
XIA Jianjun
Tel: 86-10-62789761
Fax: 86-10-62770544
E-mail: [email protected]


       On-line building energy monitoring system and building  energy diagnostics;

         Industrial waste heat application for districting heating  system;

       HVAC system inovation



Ph.D.  Building Environment and Services, Dept. of Building Science, School of  Architecture, Tsinghua University, China

Subject:  Building environment and technology

Topic:  Research on Optimization Control of the Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF)  Air-conditioning System


M.S. Lab.  of Thermodynamics, Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of Liege, Belgium

Subject: Thermal dynamics engineering

Topic:  Experimental Study and Modeling on the heat Recovery Multi-split Systems


B.S.  Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning Engineering, Dept. of Thermal  Engineering, Tsinghua University, China


2011.12~  Present:

Associate  professor, Department of Building Science, School of Architecture,  Tsinghua University, China

2008.6~  2011.12:

Associate  professor, Department of Building Science, School of Architecture,  Tsinghua University, China

2007.4 ~  2009.4:

Visiting  Professor, Penn/Tsinghua  T.C. Chan Center for Building Simulation and Energy Studies School  of Design, University of Pennsylvania, USA


Research Projects

        The 11th 5-year  national plan project:  Simulation toolkit and design method for energy efficient building  design, sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology, 2006-2010

        UPENN,  USA: Research on  the mechanical systems control strategies to lower the energy  consumption of on-campus buildings, Project Leader, 2006~present

        IEA, USA:  Annex48, Heat pumping and reversible air conditioning, Participant,  2006~present

        UTRC, USA:  Integrated building system, Project leader, 2006~2008

        Daikin, Japan:  Development of VRV Module Built in DeST, Project Leader, 2006~present

        Electrabel, European Energy  Company: Energy performance comparing between the conventional  cooling-ceiling system and variable refrigerant flow (VRF) system,  Researcher and chief editor of final report, 2000~2003

        Siemens,  Belgiun: Experimental investigation of a train-used HVAC group,  Researcher, 2002

        DTC, Belgium:  Commissioning and on-site investigation of the heat recovery VRF system  in building, Researcher, 2000

        IEA, USA: Annex 40,  Commissioning of Building and HVAC System for improved energy  performance, Participant, 2000

        DeST: Designer’s Simulation  Toolkit, Major Developer.1999~present2.  


 Courses  taught

1. Undergraduate

Pump  and Fan (30 students in Autumn semester)

Fluid  network (30 students in Spring semester)

2. Graduate

Commercial building energy diagnostics (15 students, Tsinghua-Upenn  Joint course in Autumn semester)





2012.1 Finland, Helsinki, VTT,  workshop, Present  situation of building energy consumption for heating in China

2012.3 USA, Philadelphia, Greater Philadelphia Innovation  Cluster(GPIC) Advisory Board Meeting

2012.4 Denmark, Copenhagen, IEA DHC Annex XI: Smart DHC  Networks in Low Temperature Energy Systems

2012.8 Iceland Reykjavik, IEA DHC Annex XI: Smart DHC  Networks in Low Temperature Energy Systems

2012.11 Germany, Frankfort, IEA DHC ExCo Meeting

Social organization



Journal papers

1) Jianjun  Xia, He Xiao, L Chang and Yi Jiang, Case study of data-oriented approach  for building energy performance investigation, Front. Energy Power Eng.  China 2010

2) Xie  Xiaona, Jiang Yi, Xia Jianjun, A new approach to compute heat transfer  of ground-coupled envelope in building thermal simulation software,  Energy and building, 2008(40) p476-485.

3) Xiaoliang  Zhang, Jianjun Xia, Ziyan Jiang, Jiyi Huang, etc, DeST- An Integrated  Building Simulation Tookit Part II: Applications. Building simulation.  2008 Issue 1, p193-209.

4) Liu  Xiaohua, Jiang Yi, Xia Jianjun and Chang Xiaomin, Analytical solutions  of coupled heat and mass transfer processes in liquid desiccant air  dehumidifier/regenerator, Energy Conversion and Management, 48 (7),  p.2221-2232, Jul 2007.

5) Jianjun  Xia, Da Yan, Yi, jiang, Building environment design simulation software  DeST(9): Simulation and analysisi of cooling plants (part 1), Journal of  HV&AC, 2005,3, p56~64

6) Da  Yan, Jianjun Xia , Yi, jiang, Building environment design simulation  software DeST(9): Simulation and analysisi of cooling plants (part 2),  Journal of HV&AC, 2005,4, p42~53

7) Jianjun  Xia, Eric Winandy, Bernard Georges and Jean Lebrun. Experimental  analysis of the performances of variable refrigerant flow systems, Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, v 25, n 1,  2004, p 17-23.

8) Chai  Qinhu, Ma Guoyuan, Jiang Yi, Xia Jianjun. Thermodynamic analyses of  scroll refrigeration system with economizer. Journal of Tsinghua  University, v 43,  n 10, October, 2003, p 1401-1404.

Selected conference  proceedings

1) Qi Shen, Alison Lu, Jianjun  Xia*, Daily Energy Consumption Density Analyzing Method for Hourly Data  Monitoring SystemProcedding  of COBEE’2012,University of Colorado, Boulder, , USA,2012 Aug 1-4;

2) Hao Fang, Jianjun Xia*, Yi Jiang, An Operation Strategy for using a  Ground Heat Exchanger System for Industrial Waste Heat Storage and  ExtractionProcedding  of COBEE’2012,University of Colorado, Boulder, , USA,2012 Aug 1-4;

3) B.Yan*, J.J.Xia, A. Malkawi         Case study of Building energy use pattern analysis, Proceedings of the  International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning  ISHVAC 2011.Shanghai, CHINA

4) Hao Fang, Jianjun Xia*, Yi Jiang, Utilization of industrial waste heat  for district heating, Proceedings of the International Symposium on  Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning, ISHVAC 2011.Shanghai, CHINA

5) Qi Shen, Jianjun Xia*, Yi Jiang, Case study on energy performance and  retrofitting technologies for a resort hotel, Proceedings of the  International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and  Air-conditioning         ISHVAC 2011.Shanghai, CHINA

6) Yan Da, Tang Wai-yin, XIA Jianjun and Jiang Yi, A study on HVAC scheme  design simulation methodology, Proceedings of the System Simulation  in Buildings Conferences, 2006, Liège-Belgium.

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